Sunday, January 30, 2011


December 1, 2008

Mr. Ross Caselman

124 Poplar Street

Collinsville, IL 62234

Dear Ross:

Subject: Sales Tax Forms for the Gift and Craft Fair

Your application for holding a gift and craft fair on campus has been approved. The college administration commends student organizations that participate in fundraisers for charities. I'm sure the revenue your organization generates from booth rentals and admission should meet your goals for the fundraiser.

In accordance with the tax commission, all individuals who rent a booth at your event must register and pay sales tax on the items they sell to customers. Because the college works closely with the tax commission, our office has obtained the necessary paperwork for your organization to complete.

The enclosed temporary sales tax licenses need to be distributed to all persons who rent a booth at your event. Please make sure each participant receives the sales tax chart, sales tax forms, and return envelopes. Remind the participants that their sales tax forms and tax revenue are due by December 31.

As the organizer of this event, you are responsible for completing the master form that lists each booth renter's name, address, phone number, and Social Security Number. This master form is due within seven business days after the event. In other words, your organization must return the master forms to the tax commission's office by December 15.

Again, the college appreciates your efforts to generate funds for worthwhile charities. Someone from our office will definitely stop by during your event. Please call me at 555-7722 if you have any questions or need assistance in completing the tax requirements.

Sincerely yours,

Ian Maynard

Director of College Relations


 Ian Maynard

Mr. Ross Caselman
124 Poplar Street
Collinsville, IL 62234

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